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DIY Tutorial: How To Make Golf Cart Seat Covers Out Of Towels

DIY Tutorial: How To Make Golf Cart Seat Covers Out Of Towels

Golf Guides

DIY Tutorial: How To Make Golf Cart Seat Covers Out Of Towels

DIY Tutorial: How To Make Golf Cart Seat Covers Out Of Towels

Are you looking for a fun and affordable way to spruce up your golf cart? Well, look no further!
Making golf cart seat covers out of towels is an easy and inexpensive DIY project that can have your golf cart looking stylish in no time.
Not only will the seat covers look great, but they will also be comfortable and provide additional protection from the elements.
So grab some towels, get your tools ready, and follow this tutorial for step-by-step instructions on how to make golf cart seat covers out of towels.
In no time, you’ll have a custom-made golf cart that looks and feels brand new.

How To Make Golf Cart Seat Covers Out Of Towels

What You’ll Need!

Towels: If you want to make seat covers for a single seat, you’ll need about a half yard of material. If you make seat covers for a two-seater, you’ll need about a yard and a half of fabric. Keep in mind that the larger the towel, the longer it will take to go around the seat.
Sewing machine: You can hand sew the towels if you want, but a sewing machine will make the process much easier.
Fabric scissors: Make sure they are sharp! Dull scissors will make cutting the towels a challenge.
Iron: Iron is essential for getting wrinkles out of the material.
Ruler: A ruler will help you to make straight cuts when cutting the towels.
Scissors: Scissors can be used for cutting out towels or for cutting seam allowances.
Thread: You’ll need a thread to sew the towels together.

Measuring The Seats

Measuring The Seats

Before you can start making the seat covers, you’ll need to measure the seats.
To do this, put the seats on a flat surface and then measure each seat from the top of the seat to the bottom.
Make sure to measure the width of the seat as well. Now that you know the measurements of your seats, it’s time to get cutting!
Make sure to cut the towels larger than the seats so they can easily wrap around the seats.
Now that you know how to make golf cart seat covers, you can use these instructions to spruce up any golf cart.
If you want to learn more about golf carts and how to take care of them, be sure to check out our other articles.
We’ve got a lot of useful information about golf carts and how to maintain them.


Cutting Out The Towel Pieces

Cutting Out The Towel Pieces

You’ll want to start off by cutting the towels into long strips. You can cut the strips from the edge of the towel or from the middle.
You’ll want to cut the strip long enough to wrap around the seat with a little extra for the seam allowance.
Once you have the strips, you’ll want to cut these into pieces that are long enough to wrap around the seat.
Depending on the size of your seat, you’ll want to cut the pieces of towel to be between 14 and 16 inches long.
After you have the pieces, you’ll want to mark the ends of the pieces with a straight line.
This will help you start sewing the pieces together. Next, you’ll want to fold the towel in half and mark where the seam allowance should be.


Sewing The Pieces Together

Sewing The Pieces Together

Start by sewing one side of the towel pieces together. Make sure to backstitch at the beginning and end of the seam. This will prevent the seam from coming apart.
After sewing one side, fold the pieces in half and line up the other pieces. Once you have all of the pieces lined up, sew them together. After you’ve sewn the pieces together, you’ll want to trim off the excess material.
If you want to use thread to sew the towel together, you can follow the same technique as the sewing machine. If you’re sewing by hand, you might want to sew the pieces together by two or three.


Attaching The Seam Allowance

Attaching The Seam Allowance

After you have sewn the pieces together, you’ll want to fold the seam allowance over. You’ll want to fold the seam allowance over as far as you can without it being in the way of the pieces being sewn together.
Make sure to use a pressing iron if you don’t want to use an iron because this will help to get out the wrinkles in the towel. It’s important to note that you don’t have to use the seam allowance to attach the towel pieces together.
You can also use a zig-zag stitch or a stitch that is straight across. You can also use double-sided tape to attach the towel pieces together if you want to skip the sewing process altogether. This is a great option if you’re a beginner or if you’re short on time.


Using Elastic To Secure The Covers

Using Elastic To Secure The Covers

Next, you’ll want to cut two pieces of elastic long enough to go around the seat. You’ll want to measure the seat to get a good measurement for the elastic.
To attach the elastic to the seat covers, you’ll want to sew one end of the elastic to the seat cover and then sew the other end to the other seat cover. Make sure to attach the elastic to the seat cover as close to the edge as possible.
This will ensure that the elastic will hold the seat cover in place without being too noticeable. If you want to attach the elastic without sewing, you can use hot glue or a fabric adhesive to hold the elastic in place. This is an easy way to secure the elastic without having to sew it on.


Finishing Up The Seat Covers

Finishing Up The Seat Covers

Now that you’ve attached the elastic, all that’s left to do is put the covers on the seats. Put the covers on the seats so that the seam allowance is on the bottom of the seat.
You can use a staple gun to secure the covers to the seat. If you don’t have a staple gun, you can use a needle and thread to sew the seat covers to the seat. Now that the covers are on the seats, it’s time to put your golf cart back together!

Tips and Tricks for a Professional Look

First, you’ll want to make sure that you have the towels cut in strips instead of cutting them into squares. This will help the towel to wrap around the seat better.
Next, you’ll want to make sure that you use a contrasting color of the towel for the seam allowance. This will help the seam to stand out and make the seat covers look more professional.
Finally, you’ll want to make sure that you iron the towels well before you start making the seat covers. This will help to get out the wrinkles and make the seat covers look better.
If you want to make your golf cart seat covers look professionally made, these tips can help to make a big difference. These are simple tips that anyone can follow, but they make a big difference.

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Charles South is a man of many talents. He has been an IT Manager, Specialist, and Educator at HRL Laboratories for over 30 years. But his true passion in life is computers- he's been hooked on them since he was 20 years old! In addition to his love of computing, Charles is also a passionate golfer. He's been playing the game since he was a teenager, and it remains his number one hobby. Charles loves reading science fiction novels, and he's been a fan of the genre since he was just 12 years old. He also enjoys spending time with his family in sunny Southern California. Macs have been a part of Charles' life since 1985- long before they were popular!


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